Baby Measuring Small at 6 Weeks With Heartbeat

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baby measuring small at 6 week scan

(17 Posts)

123dawn Wed 28-Mar-18 14:01:23

I had an early scan yesterday, at 6 weeks 4 days, as I had been so worried by my complete lack of pregnancy symptoms. I don't feel pregnant at all! The only indicators of me being pregnant are continuing positive pregnancy tests and a bloated stomach from around midday onwards.

To my surprise, there was a foetus with a heartbeat. I was over the moon, until the sonographer said that the foetus was 3.4mm which equated to less than 6 weeks.

I do understand that there is a margin of error in such an early scan, but I can't help feeling that, combined with the total lack of symptoms, that this pregnancy is doomed. Does anyone have any similar experiences (either positive or negative)?

I have been told that as a heartbeat was seen, there is no possibility of a follow-up scan until 12 weeks, so I am considering booking a private scan in a week or so to see if the baby has grown. I am driving myself mad with worry. I had a MMC at 9 weeks last summer, and this was a last try for a final baby (I'm 40). I'm finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that it may all be over for me.

123dawn Wed 28-Mar-18 14:02:37

I should have added - I am certain of my dates. A regular cycle, I was tracking ovulation, and I had a positive pregnancy test 10 dpo. I couldn't have later than I thought, otherwise I wouldn't have got a positive test when I did.

himalayansalt Wed 28-Mar-18 14:05:09

I'm really surprised that you can get a 6 week scan on the NHS just because you've asked for one.

You really need to stop obsessing op and wait for 11/12 weeks.

123dawn Wed 28-Mar-18 14:09:34

We have a local walk-in early pregnancy clinic who were able to scan me as I was worried that this was another MMC. Thanks for the advice - easier said than done!

FuckMyUterus Wed 28-Mar-18 14:23:18

himalyan what a horrible reply. Feel better about yourself now do you? Either you've never suffered the pain and shock of a MMC so butt out, or you have, which is much worse as you should have some empathy.
OP at 6 weeks, there is some margin for error, but it really is 50:50 at the moment. Either your baby is measuring small because it's just a little small, or its measuring small as the pregnancy isn't viable. Either way, another scan is the only way to reassure yourself. I don't know where you are, but prices for reassurance scans are usually around 50-80 pounds. Get yourself booked in so you can relax. Congratulations and good luck by the way!

himalayansalt Wed 28-Mar-18 14:33:35

What was horrible about my reply?

I have had two early scans (both same pregnancy) but was referred by my GP and had to go to hospital for them. So like I said, I'm surprised to hear you can get them on demand.

And op does need to stop stressing! Encouraging her to think about paying for another private scan is quite wrong.

Sorry op, I do hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well flowers.

Fidgety31 Wed 28-Mar-18 14:52:13

OP I had an early 7 week scan and it was measured as a bit smaller and I am certain on dates too
It's worth maybe paying for a private scan if you can for reassurance
Mine was private and cost £90 so not cheap at all

RosieCotton Wed 28-Mar-18 15:03:08

I had an early scan at what i though was 7 weeks due to lots of bleeding and pain, i had a scan and they only saw a sac and yolk. They said it was more like 5 weeks bit to go back a week later. A week later they said i was 6w4d and saw a heartbeat. Then going off that scan i had what was my 12 week dating scan. At that scan i was actually 13w3d so prwtty much caught up to what i had worked out. Now im 24 weeks and thw anxiety nevwr has really left.

Now that a heartbeat has been seen they class it as a viable pregnancy so if you have any pain or bleeding you shoyld be seen pretty quickly. Im sorry your having to wait for another scan i hope that the time passes quickly

Baby2018 Wed 28-Mar-18 15:24:21

We had a 9 week scan where they said we were due on the 29th based on size which confused me because with my dates I had us down for the 25th. When we had our 12 week scan they said " official due date is the 25th" when they are tiny I think it must be harder to get it spot on, if that helps ease your mind a little?

BeatleBug Fri 30-Mar-18 22:16:39

I've had a lot of confusion over my early scans. I can totally get your worrying but if they don't want to push one then don't do it.
You saw a heartbeat and that is the best news the dating stuff is a bit hit and miss this early on.

SVRT19674 Sat 31-Mar-18 08:13:28

I had an early scan at 5 weeks because of bleeding and they saw sack and yolk. The week after there was a heartbeat. They redid mu hcg hormone blood test and it was duplicating like mad, as it should. I am now 19 weeks pregnant, the only symptom I had was breast pain in the first trimester and round ligament bother now in the second. So cool down a little, hard to do I know, but easier as you get more reassuring news. Anxiety isn't a friend of pregnancy, so treat yourself to a private scan at around 8 weeks if it helps u relax. That's what our hard earned money is for, for moments like

CottonSock Sat 31-Mar-18 08:19:01

I think seeing a heartbeat at this stage is more important that dates. There will be a very small ,measurement

TheVanguardSix Sat 31-Mar-18 08:29:31

OP try (I know how hard this is) and have faith in the heartbeat being present. Measurements are a rough idea and never a certainty. My babies have always measured small, always. And they end up being so much bigger than anticipated.
6 weeks is very early. Your little one might be measuring smaller but only marginally and it really doesn't mean anything at all at this point. The heartbeat is what you want to see, so that's great news.

Do what you need to do to alleviate anxiety. If a private scan at 8 weeks gives you security, then go for it. That wait for the 12 week scan is a killer. flowers

Eatsleepworkrepeat Sat 31-Mar-18 08:32:58

A heartbeat is an excellent sign, so try to keep hopeful. I'd wait until 9 weeks an got for a private scan, the odds of a successful pregnancy are very high indeed if everything looks OK then. Good luck

seven201 Sat 31-Mar-18 09:16:34

It's so so tiny so early so must be so hard to measure. The heartbeat is what you need to focus on. That really is a great sign.

I too am surprised you got an early scan on the nhs as having no symptoms doesn't mean anything. I didn't have any first trimester symptoms except tiredness with my dd. Focus on the heartbeat and if you're still worrying in a couple of weeks pay for a private scan. Shop around as the price can vary quite a lot.

RockinRobinn Sat 31-Mar-18 09:43:54

Hiya sorry to hear you're worrying so much but it is perfectly understandable in your situation. However I would say that once they have seen a heart beat that is a really good sign and decreases the chance of miscarriage from what I read after my early scan at about the same time as you (I had spotting for about 10 days so GP referred me).
Try not to obsess about not having too many symptoms mine didn't really kick in until about 7.5/8 weeks and some people just don't have many.
I hope everything continues to go well for you and I know quite a few women have booked private scans before 12 weeks to put their mind at rest but with mixed results as to if this actually does this for long. So it's whatever is best for you and DP emotionally and financially as the early ones aren't cheap.

Soph88 Sat 31-Mar-18 09:57:45

I had an earlier scan when I thought I was 8 wks but the sonographer said the embryo was measuring at 7wks 3 days. There was a heartbeat so not too concerned. They booked me in for my 12 wks and baby was measuring at 13wk 3 days matching my original dates. I'm now sitting here at 37 wks wondering if I could get any bigger!

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Baby Measuring Small at 6 Weeks With Heartbeat


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